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(Temporal and spatial response)
(Temporal and spatial response)
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==Temporal and spatial response  ==
==Temporal and spatial response  ==
The spatial response will mostly be restricted to the strecth where bank were removed. Erosion processes that are again possible will change sediment loads downstream. The magnitude of the process determines whether it is of any significant influence.
The temporal response (years to decades) depends on the magnitude of dynamic forces (e.g. stream power; flood events) and the erodibility of the banks until a dynamic equilibrium is reached.
The change in biotic communities depends on the change in habitat conditions and the colonisation potential in the catchment.
==Pressures that can be addressed by this measure ==
==Pressures that can be addressed by this measure ==

Revision as of 14:29, 30 May 2010

Remove bank fixation

General description

Removing bank fixation will reinstate morphodynamics (erosion, sedimentation) in the riparian zone. Artificial substrate used to protect the bank will disappear and the main channel can again migrate laterally. In due course this may lead to more natural width - depth ratio (wider and shallower channels).


The applicability depends mostly on the socio-economic functions jeopardised by removing bank protection. It is mostly possible in rural, but hardly in urbanised areas. E.g. in the Netherlands buying buffer zones (15 m along small streams; 75 m along large rivers) from farmers is combined with this measure. When bank erode it does not affect agriculture.

Expected effect of measure on (including literature citations):

  • HYMO (general and specified per HYMO element)

Bank removal may contribute to enlarge river depth and width variation and diversify the structure of the riparian zone as well as the structure and substrate of the river bed.

  • physico-chemical parameters

This measure has little to no effect on the physical-chemical parameters.

  • Biota (general and specified per Biological quality elements

The change in substrate on the bank from artificial to natural has significant effects on all biota. Vegetation - both aquatic and riparian - will develop, while benthic invertebrate and fish species composition will in due course adapt the new habitat conditions (from hard and bare to more soft and vegetated substrate). Eventhough this development is towards a more natural ecological state, indices may suggest otherwise because the artificial hard substrate used to protect bank are quite often populated by rheophilic and lithophilic communities.

Temporal and spatial response

The spatial response will mostly be restricted to the strecth where bank were removed. Erosion processes that are again possible will change sediment loads downstream. The magnitude of the process determines whether it is of any significant influence.

The temporal response (years to decades) depends on the magnitude of dynamic forces (e.g. stream power; flood events) and the erodibility of the banks until a dynamic equilibrium is reached.

The change in biotic communities depends on the change in habitat conditions and the colonisation potential in the catchment.

Pressures that can be addressed by this measure


Case studies where this measure has been applied

Useful references

Surian, N, L Ziliani, F Comiti, MA Lenzi 2 & L Mao (2009) Channel adjustments and alteration of sediment fluxes in gravel-bed rivers of North-Eastern Italy: potentials and limitations for channel recovery. River Research & Applications 25: 551-567

Other relevant information