Groundwater abstractions
Groundwater abstractions
01. Water abstractions
General description
Effect/Impact on (including literature citations)
- HYMO (general and specified per HYMO element)
- physico - chemical parameters
- Biota (general and specified per Biological quality elements)
Case studies where this pressure is present
- Tordera_-_Restoration_of_a_secondary_channel_of_the_Tordera_River
- Stream_-mending_the_Avon
- Chícamo_Life_project._Conservation_of_Aphanius_iberus´_genetics_stocks_(_Murcia_).
- Lower_Traun
- Thur_
- Töss
Possible restoration, rehabilitation and mitigation measures
- Improve water retention
- Recycle used water
- Reduce groundwater extraction
- Improve/Create water storage
- Reduce water consumption
Useful references
Custodio, E. 2001. Aquifer overexploitation: what does it mean? Hydrogeology Journal, 10:254–277.
Sousa A.,García-Murillo P., Morales J. and García-Barrón L. 2009.Anthropogenic and natural effects on the coastal lagoons in the southwest of Spain (Doñana National Park). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66 (7), 1508-1514.
Suso J. and M.R Llamas. 1993. Influence of groundwater develop-ment on the Doñana National Park ecosystems (Spain). Journal of Hydrology, 141, 239-269.
Sousa A.,García-Murillo P., Morales J. and García-Barrón L. 2009.Anthropogenic and natural effects on the coastal lagoons in the southwest of Spain (Doñana National Park). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 66 (7), 1508-1514.
Trick T and E. Custodio. 2004. Hydrodynamic characteristics of the western Doñana Region (area of El Abalario), Huelva, Spain.Hydrogeology Journal, 12:321–335.
Tularam, G. A. and M. Krishna, 2009. Long Term Consequences of Groundwater Pumping in Australia: A Review OfImpacts Around The Globe.Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation, 4 (2): 151-166.